New meeting space calculator - more realistic than most hotel calculators.

Stage America web site debuts with lots of new tools. Look for the most useful event space calculator on the internet:

Access the the Ray Franklin weblog and the staff list of Stage America.

You can also order single copies of my new book: "On-The-Job Speech Training." This is a printed copy of the very successful 8-minute speech coach developed over 20+ years.

Big thanks to John Matz for his fine job getting the web site as valuable as it is.  The Java Script for the event space calculator was written by Brian Ferber and Roger Ferber.  These people are amazing.

"On-The-Job Speech Training"

Ray Franklin

With over 35 years producing, directing, and coaching large, global corporate events, Franklin has proven to be an excellent coach to those who need their best skills at any public event - live or virtual.