On-line translator

http://www.nicetranslator.com/ is a great single sentence translator on line.  In a self-serving effort to get international recognition for my new book I typed in: All early reviews for "On-The-Job Speech Training" are good.  Here is what the translator gave back.

Todos los principios de comentarios para "On-The-Capacitación de Empleo de voz" son buenas.
Tous les commentaires au début de "On-The-Job Training Discours" sont bonnes.
Tutti i giudizi per precoce "On-The-Intervento di lavoro-Formazione" sono buone.
Will this increase my Google search?  What fun!

Ray Franklin

With over 35 years producing, directing, and coaching large, global corporate events, Franklin has proven to be an excellent coach to those who need their best skills at any public event - live or virtual.