Social media image of your hotel meeting prowess?

This image would not motivate a Certified Meeting Planner (CMP) to consider this space.

This image would not motivate a Certified Meeting Planner (CMP) to consider this space.

I hope the GM is not proud of this meeting set up.

1. The screen is too small and too low for most of the audience There are minimum standards for AV projection. The bottom of the screen must not be lower than 5’6” from the floor. If you don’t have the ceiling height for that, use multiple screens. #raisethescreen

2. This photo was taken from the vantage point of a ceiling tile. How many attendees have that view?

3. Look carefully. The lectern is on the floor and in front of the screen.

4. No decent theater has a center aisle. Why? Because the best seats are in the middle! Keep the center isle for people by using side isles.

Certified Meeting Planners (CMP) should know in an instant this is a terrible use of this room. Why does the marketing director or general manager not know it?

This image was posted advertising the @thewestinsarasota on social media.

Ray Franklin

With over 35 years producing, directing, and coaching large, global corporate events, Franklin has proven to be an excellent coach to those who need their best skills at any public event - live or virtual.